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Aqeedah, or Creed, is probably the most important set of classes at the American Open University.
Please select one of the following (descriptions are from the AOU website):
101 Principles of Faith I 3 credits
This course focuses on the belief in Allah. It covers the existence of Allah, His Oneness, His Names and His Attributes; referring to problems that have arisen in this area due to the influence and the application of man-made laws.
Textbooks: Fundamentals of Tawheed by Bilal Philips; Supplementary readings, Jaafar Sheikh Idris
Additional Materials: Audiotapes.
102 Principles of Faith II 3 credits
Pre-requisite: Principles of Faith I
This course focuses on the belief in the Angels, the Divine Books, the Messengers, the Last Day, and Predestination according to the teachings of the Quran, the Sunnah and the pious predecessors. The study will refute some of the confusions and doubts that have arisen in this area.
Textbook: Book of Eemaan (Ibn Taymiyyah) by Muhammad N. Yasin
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
203 Principles of Faith III 3 credits
Pre-requisite: Principles of Faith II
This course includes a concise summary of the previous two courses related to the Islamic creed. It also gives a detailed study of al-wala' wa'l-bara according to the aqeedah of the Salaf, and a brief study about bid'ah and its consequences.
Textbooks: Islamic Belief, Abu Ja'far at-Tahawi; Al-Wala' wa'l-Bara';, M. S. Al-Qahtani; Bid'ah, Abu Muntasir ibn Mohar Ali.
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
204 Principles of Faith IV 2 credits
Pre-requisite: Principles of Faith II
This course covers important issues related to the methodology of Ahl-al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah in aqeedah, including the foundations of correct beliefs; the goals and characteristics of Salafi da'wah; and a comprehensive study of the elements of the correct aqeedah.
Textbooks: Explanation of the Creed, Al-Barbahaaree; Scientific Basis of the Salafi Da'wah Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq.
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
205 Heresiology 2 credits
In this course the students will study some of the main deviant Muslim sects, looking at their origins, and their main beliefs based on the aqeedah of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'a.
Textbooks: Ibn al-Jawzee's: The Devil's Deception, Bilal Philips; The Reality of Sufism in the Light of the Qur'aan and Sunnah, Al-Madkhalee; Sunni and Shiah Perspectives on Islam, Ahmad 'Abdullah Salamah.
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
206 Comparative Religions 2 credits
This course will look at this subject from two very different perspectives, from that of a classical Islamic scholar Ibn Qayyim in relation to the Jews and Christians, and also from a contemporary Western academic approach to several of the different world religions.
Textbooks: Guidance to the Uncertain in Reply to the Jews and Nazarenes, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziah; The World's Religions, Huston Smith
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
310 Islamic Ethics 2 credits
This course covers important issues concerning Islamic values and characteristics, and their relationship to the Pillars of Iman and Islam, in a way that helps to build the Islamic personality.
Textbook: Muslim's Character, Muhammad Al-Ghazali
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
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