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Classes on Islamic Law with regard to various situations and subjects.
Please select one of the following (descriptions are from the AOU website):
141 Fiqh of Worship I 3 credits
This course studies fiqh of 'ibadah, related to issues concerned with salah and taharah. The different methodologies of the imams of the four schools of fiqh will be studied in relation to identifying proofs, deduction and inference.
Textbooks: Fiqh-us-Sunnah (Vol.1 & 2), Sayyid Sabiq
Additional Materials: Audiotapes.
142 Fiqh of Worship II 3 credits
Pre-requisite: Fiqh of Worship I
In this course fiqh of ‘ibadah is studied in relation to current issues concerning zakah, fasting, hajj and ‘umrah, examining the different methodologies of the imams of the four schools of fiqh.
Textbooks: Fiqh-us-Sunnah (Vol. 3, 4 & 5), Sayyid Sabiq
Additional Materials: Audiotapes.
143 Family Law I 3 credits
This course gives a detailed study of family law according to the Qur’an and Sunnah and the four schools of fiqh looking at the fiqh of marriage, including the pre-marital stage, weddings, rights and responsibilities within a marriage, as well as divorce.Textbook: The Fiqh of the Family: Marriage and Divorce, Jamal Zarabozo
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
144 Fiqh of Financial Contracts I 2 credits
This course studies the theory of contracts in Islam, looking at their definitions, pillars and conditions. It relates theory to practice in discussion of the most important transactional contracts, i.e. sale, hire, etc.
Textbook: Transactions in Islamic Law by Ala’Eddin Kharoofa
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
245 Fiqh of Financial Contracts II 2 credits
Pre-requisite: Fiqh of Financial Contracts 1
This course gives a more detailed study of some of the more important transactional contracts, i.e. musharakah, murabahah, ijarah, salam and istina’, also a short study of Islamic investments and financial institutions
Textbook: An Introduction to Islamic Finance, Muhammad Taqi Usmani
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
246 History of Legislation 2 credits
This course studies the history of fiqh (Islamic legislation), its characteristics, origins, developmental stages, and original schools. It aims to develop familiarity with the sources of fiqh and its scholars.
Textbook: Evolution of Fiqh, Bilal Philips
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
247 Fiqh of Da’wa 3 credits
This course establishes the methodology of da’wah according the Qur’an and Sunnah, and addresses many practical points concerning da’wah in general, and particularly in relation to Western societies.
Textbooks: Words of Advice Regarding Da’wah, Abdul-Aziz bin Baaz; How to Tell Others About Islam, Yahiyah Emerick.
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
348 Family Law II 3 credits
This course looks at the Islamic law of inheritance, comparing the differing attributes of Islamic and non-Islamic wills, as well as rights related to inheritance.
Textbook: Islamic Inheritance Law, Y. Kavakci
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
349 Criminal Law 2 credits
A study of the rules of criminal law in Islam, covering the fixed punishments, retribution and discretionary punishments; looking also at the law of evidences and the Islamic penal system in contemporary Muslim societies.
Textbook: Punishment in Islamic Law, Mohamed El-Awa
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
350 Fiqh of the Islamic State 2 credits
This course covers the rules, conditions, pillars and organization of an Islamic State, giving some details about the Islamic political system based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as the experience of the Rightly guided Khalifs and the trusted Islamic governors.
Textbooks: On the Political System of the Islamic State, Muhammad S. El-Awa; The Political Thought of Ibn Taymiyah, Qamaruddin Khan; The First Written Constitution in the World, M. Hamidullah
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
351 Fiqh of Contemporary Events 2 credits
This course covers some important contemporary issues discussed from the perspective of Islamic law, showing the bases for legal rulings from the main schools of fiqh.
Textbook: Contemporary Fiqh, AOU
Additional Materials: Audiotapes
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