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102 Principles of Faith II
Textbook: Book of Emaan According to the Classical Works of Shaikul Islam Ibn Taymiyah by Dr. Muhammad Naim Yasin.
Supplementary Materials information
Syllabus from Spring 2001
[Some information like the professor's email, telephone, etc. removed]
Spring 2001 Course Schedule 1/15/01 - 4/15/01
Principles of Faith II (3 Credits)
EBA 102
Course Outline:
The focus of this course will be on the following articles of belief: the belief in the Angel, belief in the Divine Scriptures; the belief in Divine preordainment; and belief in the Hereafter.
Course Objectives:
Course materials:
Textbook: Book of Emaan: According to the Classical Works of Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, by Muhammad Naim Yasin.
6 Audiotapes: Principles of Faith II by Ali al-Timimi and Dr. Anwar Hajjaj
Exam Schedule:
Exam 1 |
February 21, 2001 |
February 26, 2001 |
Pages 45-153, tapes 1 & 2 |
25% |
Exam 2 |
March 28, 2001 |
April 2, 2001 |
Pages 154-271, tapes 3 & 4 |
25% |
Term Paper: |
March 27, 2001 |
25% |
Oral Exam |
April 5-15, 2001 |
Chapter 2 to the end of the book |
25 % |
Term Paper Topics:
Supplementary materials information
Audiotapes information
Some of the audiotapes are by Br. Ali al-Timimi and some are by Dr. Anwar Hajjaj. A short summary follows.
Faith in Angels, discussion of the word malaikah vs. the word angels. 4 matters of belief in angels: 1) Faith in their existence. 2) their names 3) their characterstics 4)their duties. What is our attitude to the angels? What was other peoples' attitude? Discussion of false beliefs about angels. Benefits of belief in angels.
Faith in the Books. Definition. 4 points of belief: 1) Allah Himself Spoke them 2) we must believe in them. 3) we must believe in what is in the Qur'an. 4) Apply and fulfill the commands. What to do if something is mentioned in a previous scripture about which we don't know?
Faith in the Messengers: Difference between Rasul and Nabi; comparisons between these words and prophet and messenger. The nature of revelation. 5 highest messengers. How the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him received revelation. Wrong beliefs regarding the prophets and the revelation. The 'Isma of the prophets. Rights of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. His responsibilities.
Faith in the Day of Resurrection: Link between it and piety. The grave, signs of the hour, Details of the Last Day itself.
Faith in Qadaa wal Qadr: Definitions, Allah's creation, etc.
Student Feedback
This is a very good class and I learned a lot. The first 4 tapes are by Ali al-Timimi and are very good as usual. The last two tapes are a reading of sections of the book by Dr. Anwar Hajjaj.
The book itself is excellent; it is detailed and very well organized. There is a good bit to read, so pace yourself so you can read it at least twice in the semester. The amount of material to cover is a lot, and that may be reason enough to spend more time than normal in this class.
Other Resources
There is an excellent audio for Predestination here from by Shaikh Waleed Basyouni
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