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Study Tips

A collection of study tips and advice.

  1. Keep the correct intention. You are a student of Islamic knowledge, studying Islam for the pleasure and happiness of Allah the Almighty alone. Try to purify your heart from thinking of this as just another college degree, a way of dominating a conversation, a way of arguing with people, or a system by which you can be exalted in the eyes of the people. Purify your intention and make it to seek the happiness of Allah.
  2. Since you are a student of Islamic knowledge and not studying to get a grade or a degree, put your heart into it. Remind yourself of the verses and ahadith about those who seek Islamic knowledge. Don't worry about getting a high grade; worry about understanding and applying the material. Then, inshaAllah, your grades will be fine.
  3. Establish the 2:1 rule. Study two hours for every one-hour of class. Therefore, if you are taking 1 three-hour class, you should study 6 hours a week. If you are taking 2 three-hour classes (a total of 6 hours), study 12 hours a week.
  4. Read the books and listen to the tapes two times at least. Make detailed notes. Don't read or listen absentmindedly.
  5. If you can, try to get access to other books or lectures which discuss the material also. Usually, the professor lists some suggested reading. Try to get access to these. Either the other material covers it in less depth, which makes for a very good overview; or the material covers it in more depth, which increases your knowledge inshaAllah. Either way, you benefit.
  6. Establish a daily schedule, not a weekly one. Depending on how your time is normally used in one day, assign two or more study sessions. A study session does not have to be very long; it could be that you read 10 pages and take notes on them in 20 minutes. InshaAllah, all of these study sessions will add up over time, and you will find you accomplished a lot.
  7. Try to memorize. If you are capable of memorizing in Arabic, memorize the verses and ahadith in the Arabic. If not, at least memorize them in English.
  8. Practice what you have learned. This is not theoretical physics, this is Islamic knowledge that is applied and practiced constantly.
  9. Teach. All of us know people who wish to learn but don't have the time or money, etc. Even if you only took one class, you can teach what you learned to those who haven't learned it. The Prophet peace be upon him said, "Inform others about me, even if it's only one verse".



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