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Book Review of Book of Emaan According to the Classical Works of Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyah



Book of Emaan According to the Classical Works of Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyah

by Dr. Muhammad Naim Yasin, Al-Firdous Ltd. ©1997, 271 pages paperback ISBN 1-874263-65-5

Summary of Major topics:

Faith in Allah the Exalted: Types of tawheed: Rububiyyah, Uluhiyyah (and prerequisites), Names and Attributes (basis, types, and evidence).

Faith in the Angels: Their characteristics: Made of light, ability to change shape, they are honored servants. Their relationship w/ the universe and mankind. Supervising man. Other responsibilities. Accompanying man, encouraging the believers to worship and obey Allah, encouraging the seekers of knowledge. The number of angels. Belief in them. The effect of belief in the angels on the life of a believer.

Faith in the Prophets and Messengers. Their being mentioned in the Quran. The Messengers of Strong Will. The subject of the messages. Our duty towards the Messenger. Faith in the Prophet Muhammad.

Faith in the Divine Scriptures. The Torah revealed to Moses, Bible revealed to Jesus, Psalms revealed to David, Scriptures revealed to Abraham and Moses. Quran- Last of Divine revelation; it contains a distillation of divine teachings, and it is the only scripture the Allah has undertaken to preserve.

Faith in the Day of Resurrection. The Quran's focus on this issue and the wisdom behind it. Linking belief in the Last Day to belief in Allah. The Qur'an mentions the Last day on virtually every page. Allah calls the Last Day by many othe names. The reasons for this interest in the Last day. Faith in the Last Day has a great influence on man's life. Man often forgets and disregards the Last Day. The existence of the Last Day still arouses incredulity and amazement in the disbelievers. The evidence for belief in the Last Day and the reply to those who deny it. Details of faith in the Last Day. Trial of the Grave and questioning by the 2 angels. Torment and bliss in the grave. Signs of the Hours: Minor and Major. Sun rising from the west, Coming of the Beast from the Earth. Coming of Dajjal. Descent of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). The Appearance of Gog and Magog. The Beginning of The Last Day: Resurrection, The Gathering, Recompense of Deeds, Presentation and Reckoning, The Fount, Scale, Bridge. Paradise and Hell.

Faith in Al-Qadaa' wal-Qadar. Definition. Aspects of Faith. First degree, second degree. Disbelievers use Al-Qadar as an excuse. The concealment of Al-Qadar and the Prohibition to embark boldly on it. Effect on the Muslim of belief in Al-Qadar. Belief in Al-Qadar does not contradict adopting appropriate means.

The Reality of Emaan. Increase and Decrease of Emaan. Reasons for it increasing.

What invalidates Emaan. The point at which a kaafir becomes a believer. The point at which a believer becomes a kafir. General rule. Four kinds of denial. The Approval of Kufr is kufr and the disapproval of Islam is Kufr. Ways in which one approves of kufr. Helping the kuffar against Muslims and giving consent to their religions. The meaning of taking disbelievers as Awliya'. The acceptable and unacceptable excuses on this occasion. Degrees of compulsion allowed. Two manifestations of the disapproval of Islam. Further consideration of the causes of apostasy. Taking precautionary measures against considering a believing individual a disbeliever.

Conclusion: Judgement with regard to sinner. Committing sins only does not take a Muslim out of Islam. Ahlu Sunnah acknowledge punishment for sins as stipulated. Major sins: definition and some examples. Actions which remove punishment from a sinner. 1. Repentance. 2. Istighfaar. 3. Doing good deeds. 4. Suffering worldly misfortune. 5. Punishment in the grave. 6. Horror and distress of the Day of Resurrection. 7. Intercession of those whom Allah will permit to intercede on the Day of Resurrection. 8. Pardon and forgiveness of Allah, the Most Merciful, without intercession. 9. Supplications of the believers and their istighfaar in this life and after death. 10. The rewards obtained by a believer after his death.




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